First recording from my new home studio - Digital Midi Saxophone Shop
ODB : God is in full control (By: Leslie Koh)
Boston Onnuri Worship School Testimony
Regardless of age : God is My Helper (ODB)
Another big blessing to my family !
How to reduce stress
Studying Music Therapy
As the Onnuri Bbile College Bible Reading School concludes its first semester
Reasons to read the Bible every day
Os Guinness : What is My Purpose?
The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid
Seeking the meaning of life
Act justly and Love mercy and Walk humbly with your God
The Work of Christmas (Howard Thurman)
Missionary Elizabeth Johanna Schepping RN (1880-1934)
Trip to South Korea
Confirming One's Calling and Election (2 Peter 1:3-10)
Self-Care Checklist
Brief Reflection on Film " The Doctor(1991)"