Upgrading a Roland Aerophone AE-01 mini
EWI-Re-Trumpet (EWI + re.corder + Trumpet ?)
Summer trip to New York, New Jersey, Washington DC and Virginia
Developing a trumpet style EWI controller
Augmented YDS-120 Saxophone
Studying Music Therapy
Augmented Aerophone Mini
EWI-Clarinet Project
As the Onnuri Bbile College Bible Reading School concludes its first semester
Reasons to read the Bible every day
Let's try it! Second Keyboard (with Wind Controllers)
Os Guinness : What is My Purpose?
Arturia Microfreak with EWI
The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid
Seeking the meaning of life
Act justly and Love mercy and Walk humbly with your God
The Work of Christmas (Howard Thurman)
Nunomo QUN mk2 Synthesizer with a wind controller
Missionary Elizabeth Johanna Schepping RN (1880-1934)
Trip to South Korea